Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival of Quilts

Jon Morgan (SMSF)
The Shepherd Journal
1 min readJan 2, 2017

The Festival of Quilts will be held on Saturday, April 29 during the 2017 Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival. Community members can submit their quilts, wall hangings, runners, and/or mini-quilts as entries in the festival. Submitted pieces can be recently completed works by local quilters or cherished family heirlooms. The stories that accompany each quilt are always interesting to read.

This will not be a judged show but a sharing of handmade items for the pleasure of all viewers. Do you have an unfinished quilting project? Take a few hours this winter to prepare it for the local show.

An added feature of the Festival of Quilts is the “Challenge” section. At last year’s show approximately 45 Winter Wonderland Challenge Packets were picked up by interested quilters. Their challenge is to use an 8 x 8 inch piece of snowflake material in a wall hanging. These will be judged, but more importantly, enjoyed by visitors to the show. Quilters, are your challenges done?

For more information, contact members of the planning committee: Sherry Dickman, Joan Faulkner, Jeaneane Wood-Nartker, or Merrie Hammel (989) 506–8555. Brochures containing applications will be available on March 1, 2017.

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Originally published at Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival.

