The Worst Times To Have Diarrhea

Alex Siquig
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2017
this soldier has Diarrhea

Everyone knows diarrhea is bad. Even God knows this, which is why so many boring parts of the Bible are devoted to the detailed and graphic punishments the nomadic desert tribes of the day had devised for the sick individuals who persisted in making diarrhea all over the Holy Land. All the way from antiquity to the modern and post-modern eras (except in the 70s, when it was cool and desirable for a few years), diarrhea has been known as one of the great scourges of history, as well as the unofficial 8th Deadly Sin. But it would be a mistake to think ordinary bland diarrhea-at-home-while-the-kids-are-sleeping is even close to as bad as it can get when we are talking about the Great Sludge or the Watery Grave of Butt Vengeance. No folks, if you’ve made it this far in life then you know it can always get much, much worse.

they both have Diarrhea

Thanks to a combination of Bible Study and an algorithm so advanced it’s been known to kill just for the thrill of it, we here at the Shocker have been able to compile a list of the absolute worst times to fall prey to the Bubonic Shit Flood. Please be advised: Reading this list won’t build character so much as reveal it.

Worst Times To Get the Diarrhea: A List

When you are pulled over by a small town cop for speeding

While battle rapping against an old friend who is now your worst enemy

When you are at war (at your base)

When you are at war (in the heat of battle)

Asking a father for his daughter’s hand in marriage

Showing your children Starship Troopers for the second time

In the swimming pool of a Saudi Prince

A Weezer concert

When you are partitioning the Ottoman Empire and trying to just sort of make up a bunch of new countries but you can’t concentrate because of the diarrhea

When the pitchers and catchers report to spring training and you are either a pitcher or catcher (or both?)

When you see Thandie Newton laughing in the street

When you see Thandie Newton laughing in a tree

While you are juggling knives to impress a local knife salesman who always knows the right thing to say

In the middle of a Juggalo home invasion

When you’ve been decapitated but people are still looking at you

When you’ve been sent back in time to kill Baby Hitler but your diarrhea alerts Martin Bormann and some other Nazis, and they stop you from messing with the timeline

When you are moving a desk

When you are looking at pictures of foxes and wondering if it really would be all that difficult to have one as a pet

When you realize that all living things first fight to live and then die alone

When the light takes you

When you are eating a big potato chip

Right when you are about to finally get adopted by the perfect albeit barren young couple

In the snow, as the wolves close in on you

When you are arm-wrestling Jeff Green

In an Irish pub

During your Valedictorian speech

When you kiss Bernie Sanders on top of his head

In Hell

At a Quinceañera that really could have been better attended

When you are reading poetry in a cave to your crush who hates caves and poetry man what the hell are you doing in a fucking cave

With like a mouthful of ghost peppers

When you have one leg

When you get Lisa Ann’s autograph

During your dream vacation aboard the Trans-Siberian Railway

Diarrhea. Gross word, too.

this guy has Diarrhea

