Blind Date


Liz Presson
The Short of It


By this point his sips had turned into gulps. Good thing he had another on the way. “Maybe I should try harder to meet new people,” he thought. “I’m so god damn bored of talking about the same things.”

His face was warm and his belly was feeling fuzzy. By now he had totally abandoned the conversation and turned inward. Let’s call it was it was: he was fucked up and it was too early for that.

Oblivion was the only way he could deal with the resentment he felt towards his friends. He wished that they would have found success by now too. Then maybe he’d be interested enough to focus on something other than his drink.

He caught her out of the corner of his eye. He thought it might be the alcohol that was making it seem as though she was getting closer. But then she was there. And him? It was too late for him.

Some type of introduction was made and then…that was it except for a flash of the inside of an Uber and keys fumbling at his apartment door.

He woke up to his head pounding, but a hangover never took him down. He had things to do. First on his list? Texting his asshat friends.

“Why didn’t you tell me she’d be there? I would have kept my shit together if I’d known I had a reason to.”

“Dude, we had a 30 minute conversation about it when we were out on Tuesday.”



Liz Presson
The Short of It

Leading a team of amazing women as the founder of Pursuit. Writer with bylines in BUST Mag, Marie Claire, The Rumpus, Ravishly, Fast Company, & others.