Chaos After Cairo

A flash fiction writing challenge requiring a notable historic event from the past 50 years, a character who builds something, and the words Chase, Enough, and Mistake within a 500-word cap.

Arpad Nagy
The Short Place
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2024


Image created by author via Bing Ai Image Creator.

“It’s enough, Ronnie, you tell Peres to let them go. We’ll chase them down later.”

“Nance, less Americans love Jews, than hate them — it’s an Israeli problem, a Middle East problem.”

“Hitler didn’t die, Ronnie; he just changed his skin — bring them home.”

“I understand, Sir, but this is Algiers, not America. Five thousand, five hundred American dollars and you can fly away.”

Captain John Testrake was incredulous. This had to be a mistake. He would have shaken his head at the absurdity, but the pistol pressed to his temple was a harsh reminder to keep very still. U.S. Navy Diver Robert Stetham, shot in the head, his body dumped on the Beirut tarmac, was proof the hijackers had no reservations about murder.

Blinking away the fresh sheen of sweat cascading from his brow, slowly, carefully, and calmly, he relayed the problem to his Flight Service Manager, Uli Derickson.



Arpad Nagy
The Short Place

A Proud Hungarian-Canadian, throwback romantic who loves to write. Editor @ Kitchen Tales,The Short Place (Fiction) The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, The Book Cafe