100-word microfiction

Performance Review

JoAnne Sweeny
The Short Place
Published in
Apr 17, 2022


Photo by Molly Blackbird on Unsplash

By the time the third person starts in, I’ve already stopped listening. They’re all saying the same thing: failure to meet expectations.

I didn’t even want this promotion. They convinced me that they really needed me. The role had been vacant for months.

At first, it was great. But then I began to make mistakes. It wasn’t long before I was being blamed for things that weren’t even my fault.

And now, this. I know what’s coming: termination.

“Any response?”


I feel the rope tighten around my neck, and the crowd cheers.

I hope the next witch lasts longer.



JoAnne Sweeny
The Short Place

Professor of law at the University of Louisville, specializing in freedom of expression, technology, and feminist jurisprudence.