Up in the Air

This timed flash fiction writing challenge required the story to take place entirely in the air. The opening sentence required a colour and a number, and the selected keywords to be used were Doubt, Pack, and Silence, with a max 500 word count.

Arpad Nagy
The Short Place
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2024


Photo by the author via Bing AI Image creator.

Four white pillars loom in the distance, beckoning like fingers, and I sail toward them with no doubt of my arrival.

Torn free from the pack and launched into flight, I sail beneath the cloudless azure canopy. High above the surging tide of the lunatic mass, their roar falls silent as my elegant, oval form spins. The midday sun beats upon my red skin as I twist, a clockwise roll toward destiny.

My predecessors and I have held the nation captive for two hundred years, hardly interrupted by the world falling into conflict twice, battering each other in search of victory in the name of duty, honour and glory.

Heathen men and warrior women, with eyes bulging, tongues hanging, and skin stained with ink, they have sung out in harmony mellifluous only to those who willingly give themselves to suffering, sacrifice, battle and blood, all in the hope that I may reward…



Arpad Nagy
The Short Place

A Proud Hungarian-Canadian, throwback romantic who loves to write. Editor @ Kitchen Tales,The Short Place (Fiction) The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, The Book Cafe