Have you been networking effectively?

Trinh Tran
The Shortcut Talks
Published in
4 min readAug 23, 2017

Finland and Nordics have been a hothouse for startups and technology for years. The raise of startup era has opened up a great deal of opportunities for entrepreneurs and job seekers. Alongside, the term “networking” has become a topic for endless discussions. More and more networking events and parties follow up startup events. This offers a lot of opportunities on business deals and professional promotion. However, some people feel lost at networking events, or simply consider the idea repugnant. Hence, they do not perceive networking as an essential either professionally or personally.

The aversion and fear of networking comes from misperceptions on the term. Exploring what prevents you from going out and starting a talk with strangers will navigate you on how to act. Read on to learn about the most common misunderstandings on networking and to gain some tips to overcome the exhaustion.

Do you really understand the term?

Networking is perceived as an activity business people meet up, look for and collect business contacts purposed on deals and professional opportunities. That is how people usually define the term. Thus, it is undeniable that people consider networking as a job for natural extroverts. Extroverts feel easy to access others and are more outgoing to start a conversation. Networking, in contrast, is a more complicated work. It is not just starting a chat and let it be. In a nutshell, networking is not a gift of extroverted individuals. It is a skill that could be mastered as long as you learn and practice it.

Networking is not about being an extrovert.

Have you ever feel lost at a networking party with hundreds of unfamiliar faces and regretted going? People who do not exploit their precious time at the party to widen their networks do not appreciate the value of networking event. Besides, people spend time and resources on networking party with purpose on getting a deal or clients immediately. They forget that, business partnerships come from trusted relationships, which could not be done in such a short time. Then, it is undoubtedly they regard networking party as a waste of time and money.

The Shortcut events have brought together people from different backgrounds and cultures.

Another misconception is, people usually think that networking is a dirty job as most of those who network focus on nothing more than sales or deals. This mainly comes from the mindset that you only care about your profits, gains after a conversation with others. All those thoughts on joining a conversation for your own benefits certainly would create distasteful feeling on the networking. Networking is more than taking advantages from others when having a chat if you really know how to overcome your fear and aversion (check this article by Herminia Ibarra if you want to know more).

It’s all about your mindset

Make the first move with your interest

It works, especially for those who are fear to step out of comfort zone and say a word. If you want to play safe, let’s get started with a hub that share something in common with you. Your interest and fellow peers from social clubs would encourage you to communicate with more people and even more frequently. As jumping into a pool of like-minded people perhaps lowers your anxiety. Consequently, your circle would be enriched eventually.

Schmoozing is not the way

As discussed above, deals and businesses could not be done immediately. Good things take time. Rather than knock someone’s door and keep telling about your products or service, build up quality relationships! It is not always about how many new contacts you get after a networking party but how quality relationships are. Take your time, exchange information and value, gain trust and build trusted relationship. They are not your clients now but later. Do not just keep your eyes on deals and sales! Relationships are about give and take. You would figure out what values you should offer them when you wear their shoes. Do not hesitate to offer assistance or any exchange value! This would be the key to further development in relationship and business partnership. Changing this mindset would help a lot with people who feel distasteful toward networking.

Be strategic on your network

There is “net” in “network”.

It is always much better to get prepared in advance. To avoid wasting your time or money on irrelevant people, target whom you are going to talk to. It is not necessary to list out exact names but draft a target group that matches your interest and needs. Also pay attention to what contents and messages you are delivering. Do you notice that there is “net” in “network”? It means they may not be your clients, but refer you to a wider range of contacts later. You have no idea whom you are chatting with and who else they may lead you to. So you’d better get prepared on your contents to make such strong and good impression. Well-prepared people tend to be more confident and successful at networking events than a talk-about-every-thing guy.

These tips centers on adjustment in mindset toward networking. As attitude plays a vital role in deciding whether you enjoy and feel like going to network. The rest of work is practicing. Let’s kick start your entrepreneur journey by building up and using your network effectively!



Trinh Tran
The Shortcut Talks

Digital Marketing and Communication enthusiast | Language learner | Doer | To-be Marketer