Starting your journey in Digital Marketing

John Cacafranca
The Shortcut Talks
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2019
Icons by Eucalyp Studio via

One day I will live in one of those houses with a big glass front and white cladding in Lauttasaari, Helsinki. The type of house which costs you a few million euros to have the privilege of calling it your home. Having a nice car on the driveway wouldn’t hurt either, and maybe I’ll bring some children into the world and dress them in cute Gucci shoes too. My name is John, these are my goals (maybe not so much the Gucci shoes for my kids!) and I plan to use Digital Marketing to achieve them.

Let’s take a step back and come back to the real world before I spend the rest of this blog post talking about how I also want a full-sized football pitch and racetrack in my back garden. Oh, a jet ski would be awesome too, by the way. Realistically (and statistically as only 1% of the world’s population are millionaires) my goals will be hard to achieve. Yet my humble beginnings growing up around council estates in South-East England have taught me a steely determination and drive to succeed.

I moved to Helsinki in Finland on the 29th December 2016, started studying International Sales and Marketing at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and developed a strong interest in Digital Marketing throughout my studies. So strong, in fact, that I’m starting a Digital Marketing Club so others can hopefully realise their dreams and aspirations through the digital world.

Why Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is crucial in today’s world. Whether you’re trying to grow a business, attempting to grow your personal brand, looking to become a digital marketing guru or everything in between, you need to be able utilise the digital world. For me, it’s being able to offer my knowledge to help businesses grow and the delight of a client when they see the (hopefully!) positive results from Digital Marketing that really inspires me. I’m a result orientated person, and Digital Marketing allows me to set clear goals. I’m also a creative person that values freedom, and Digital Marketing allows me to reach goals without a set path. A business wants to generate brand awareness? OK, let’s try an unpaid Instagram campaign… Or let’s try email marketing… Or maybe we could try harnessing the power of an influencer. The point is, the possibilities for creativity are endless. Anyone who is tired of the constraints of a typical 9–5 job where your boss tells you when you’re allowed to go for a shit, or anyone with a creative mindset that isn’t sure where their next career path is might want to give Digital Marketing a go. At least try to learn the basics and see if it’s for you. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, right?

As an extra incentive, if that doesn’t sound interesting enough, I’ve been reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s ‘Crushing It!’. The book is inspirational amongst other things, but it also highlights there is a lot of money to be made through a smart and tactical Digital Marketing presence. Million-dollar mansion checking in!

But where can I explore this in Helsinki?

At The Shortcut, a non-profit organisation focused on providing employment opportunities through skills training and networking, I’ve found a place where I’m not only allowed to take a shit when I want, but I’m allowed to be creative, to work freely and to start my journey towards my big glass house in Lauttasaari.

The Digital Marketing Club

On March 4 and running for 7 sessions until April 15, we are starting a Digital Marketing Club. We will start with a Beginners Bootcamp. These workshops are aimed at complete beginners or those with very little experience in Digital Marketing. We will introduce you to Digital Marketing through a logical pathway where you will end with a competent level of knowledge to proceed to our more advance workshops or start applying your new skills in the digital world. The start of your journey to financial freedom and personal fulfilment, maybe.

Content of the Digital Marketing Club

The content during the Beginners Bootcamp will include an introduction to digital marketing, social media marketing for Facebook and Instagram, content marketing, Google Ads, Search Engine Opitmisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and company case studies. You will also be given the opportunity to start and grow your own social media platforms going through the bootcamp, utilising what you learn as you go and applying it for real whilst industry experts help you along the way. A hands-on experience so you can learn what really works!

After the Beginners Bootcamp, we will break for Easter and start again on April 29. Then we will start our more advanced workshops where the topics will be for people who have a good knowledge of Digital Marketing. More will be confirmed regarding the content for the advanced workshops soon.

We are still finalising the speakers for the workshops, but rest assured we will be working with the créme de la créme of the industry to give you the best learning experience you’ll find in Helsinki. And for free!

In conclusion

How exactly I’m going to use Digital Marketing to buy my million-dollar mansion. Well, that’s between myself and I. I’m a fair way away from realising my dreams, but I truly believe at The Shortcut I’m surrounding myself with the right people, I’m networking with various industry experts and at the very least I’ve met some cool people to drink with. Some good ideas come about over a drink, you know?

