Why working at a startup?

Nelli Samaeva
The Shortcut Talks
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2017

The popularity of startups keeps growing every day and it seems to have become the most effective opportunity for job seekers to show their talent and participate in the development of some unique and captivating business idea. Nowadays young graduates with a lack of rich working experience struggle with the problem of finding a job and impossibility of showing their skills, demonstrating their willingness to work hard and grow professionally, as well as making a good contribution to some company’s success with their fresh and creative ideas.

Startups can be a good opportunity for talented and underestimated specialists to find their niche in the cruel business world and prove what they are capable of.


Photo: Wasim Al-Nasser

There are great advantages of working at a startup that would help in making a career path. First of all, being an employee of a startup, you have to do a bit of everything no matter what your educational or professional background is connected with. Teams at such companies are usually small resulting in a big number of different tasks and responsibilities being spread between the same group of people.

Consequently, this is a great opportunity for those not having enough working experience to learn a lot in different fields of business, become a versatile specialist and receive good multitasking skills, as opposed to working at corporates where employees are usually only focused on their own job being stuck with the same routine duties.

No hierarchy

Photo: Wasim Al-Nasser

Another pleasant benefit of working at a startup is a close-knit friendly team of enthusiasts working on the same project. There is no hierarchy in such small teams, as all members make their outstanding contribution by participating in a collective brainstorming and therefore, everyone is treated equally.

While in big companies your creative ideas and hard-working may pass unnoticed, working in a startup team there is a good chance for your unconventional concept to be listened, considered and recognized; as well as all your great assistance in company’s development to be appreciated.

Workplace flexibility

Photo: Ali Rokan

Nowadays working adults suffer from the lack of free time which they could dedicate to their families, friends and hobbies due to the fact that they have to spend half of the day at an office. This problem could be easily saved by this very nice gift provided by startups — flexible work schedule.

Employees have a chance to decide themselves when they wish to perform their tasks — in the morning, evening or night. It does not matter either which day they wish to devote to work — Friday or Saturday. They are free to set up their own schedule which is more convenient for them and therefore conducive to a higher working efficiency. The crucial point here is the result, not time and place.

Nevertheless, it is always up to you to decide what you prefer — working at a corporate carrying out a limited number of duties and gaining a good spot in your resume immediately or doing your job in a specific working environment with a flexible schedule having a greater variety of responsibilities and being patient waiting for a startup company you work at to build its way to success.

