10 Lessons From Writing A Relationship Contract

The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJan 31, 2024


Image created by the author in Canva.

In one of my current courses, there is an assignment to create a Relationship Contract. I wrote one for the relationship with myself, and went kind of overboard with the assignment (16 pages). Here are 10 lessons which I learned:

1. Have goals and plans, but allow them to be flexible.
2. Find an organization system that works for you, not one which is the most popular.
3. Be open-minded, but also have boundaries in place which you enforce.
4. Avoid single points of failure, which make your workflow come to a halt.
5. Make time to exercise everyday, if possible.
6. Think of what you want your legacy and impact to be when you passed.
7. Always continue learning and writing.
8. Be yourself, instead of being who others want you to be.
9. Create a financial plan.
10. Allow some inconsistency in following rules you set for yourself.



The Shortform

Multipassionate, student, writer. | Image made with AI | My personal website is https://artemisw.neocities.org/