180 Degrees of Separation

Not the kind of break-up you would expect

Isabella Solcà
The Shortform


A kid in his troller is in front of the window of his kindergarten, where a bunny and a rat are painted
Matty ready for his first day at kindergarten — Source: author’s personal collection

Five days in, kindergarten did not seem too bad.

The rain poured down for the whole week; the puddled road was a thrill. Matty wore green boots with printed pterodactyls.

On their first day, the dinosaur and Matty said goodbye to Mum and Dad just a few minutes after being greeted by the teacher: they turned around and started exploring the main room.

They discovered, touched and played with all the toys that were within their reach. They jumped on a mattress, chuckling at every bounce — well, Matty was doing most of the activities but the dinosaur was attentively watching.

They never looked back to the door, where Mum and Dad were expecting a heartfelt farewell: tears, hugs, more tears, more cuddles. A wave, maybe? Nope. Not even a sad look: the pair pivoted 180 degrees and — as kids do — grew up in the blink of an eye.

Here’s how it started:



Isabella Solcà
The Shortform

‘national geographic’ addict, traveler enthusiast, chinese beginner but most of all, elvis groupie