2 Game-Changing Morning Habits

Phantom Scribe
The Shortform
Published in
Oct 26, 2023
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Curtains stay open before bedtime

On weekdays, I ensure my curtains stay open before bedtime. Although waking up to the sun’s glare can be bothersome, the rewards far exceed the inconvenience. Scientifically speaking, sunlight plays a vital role in regulating the human circadian rhythm. Natural sunlight is a powerful zeitgeber, a time cue that helps harmonise your internal clock with the day-night cycle.

Avoid pressing the snooze button

While that 5–10 minutes of extra sleep is tempting, we hardly realise how harmful it can be. When you press snooze and go back to sleep, you often enter a state of sleep inertia, which is a period of grogginess and cognitive impairment. This can make you feel even more tired when you eventually wake up, affecting your morning productivity.

Embracing these habits can unlock the potential for more vibrant, productive mornings.



Phantom Scribe
The Shortform

I'm a student with a passion for words and stories. I'm excited to share my thoughts and ideas here! :)