2 x Your Productivity by Building Powerful Routines.

Use the power of schedules and systems to boost your work output.

Neil S
The Shortform
1 min readApr 5, 2023


Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

There are only 24 hours in a day. All of us should want to optimize their usage. Routines are great tools to achieve that goal.

Build powerful morning, midday, and evening routines that minimize distractions and maximize output.

What items should fit into your routines? Activities and habits that when done regularly: (i) maintain OR (ii) level up the important areas of your life (gym for fitness, meditation for mindset etc.)

Play your morning and evening routines off each other. Use your morning routine to rally back into action if you had a poor prior evening routine (and vice versa.)

Productivity routines will change over time. Parts of your routine will become superfluous and new habits will emerge. This is natural. Don’t try to resist this development.

Make sure, however, that your routines aren’t overambitious or unsustainable.

You should be able to significantly boost your productivity with optimal routines.



Neil S
The Shortform

PhD candidate, dad, comic book collector, Georgetown law grad. I like writing about politics, finance, watches and writing. Let's talk!