2023 Word of the Year

Let’s get to it!

Wendy Herrmann
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2022


Photo by Tobias Rademacher on Unsplash

What’s in a word?

A couple years ago, I identified a “word of the year” to serve as a reminder and catalyst for the work ahead.

(It was pandemic times and I needed some sort of sense of control.)

The idea stuck with me and I’ve kept it going.

My word of the year for 2023:


I’m embarking on some pretty sweet (and scary!) career adventures in the coming year. This bold word fires me up! (pun intended)

I’ll be:

· Blazing new trails

· Lighting the way for myself and others

· Knowing I carry the spark

· Reminded to rely on the light from within

· Staying on the bright side

Do you do a word of the year? What are your ideas for 2023?

Share with me in the comments.

Happy New Year!



Wendy Herrmann
The Shortform

Coach, trainer, lifelong learner. Believer in: Self-awareness, doing less, courageously exploring life.