3-Minute Exercise To Find Your Writing Voice

Sanchari Pait
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJun 12, 2024


Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Your favourite authors and books are your best writing teachers!

When you come across a write-up or book that really impresses you, pay more attention to it.

Here’s a simple, 2-step exercise to help you move closer to finding your unique writing voice

1. Think of 3 authors you dream of writing like.

Note down the reasons why you like their writing.

2. List down 6 words that define your writing style.

We all want our writing to feel a certain way.

Based on what you noted in Step 1 and your own thoughts about how you want your writing to sound, list down 6 words that you wish defined your writing.
(For me these 6 words are Comforting, Contemporary, Relatable, Urban, Thought-provoking and Simple)

Let these words guide you whenever you sit down to write.

Have a writing lesson to share? Share it in a comment!



Sanchari Pait
The Shortform

Writes about actionable self-improvement, travel, art & books