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3 Solid Hacks to Read More Books

Tom C
The Shortform


  1. Abolish reader's guilt and bin books that aren’t working for you. If you start a book and you’re not feeling it, then drop it. I give a book a hundred pages to win me over. Some do some don’t. I give the ones that don’t away to Oxfam. Read-later piles are unnecessary and rarely get read.
  2. Read at least a page a day, more if you can. Don’t underestimate momentum. If you’ve had a busy day and wish to crawl into bed, read one page only. You chop the tree with daily action. Otherwise, you may not pick up a book for weeks or months. Reading is a habit.
  3. Read one book at a time. Only start a new one when you put down the old one. You can read fiction and nonfiction together at different times of the day.

Good luck!

