3 Summer Activities To Keep Your Children Joyful & Their Minds Sharp!

Did you know many kids go academically backwards during the summer months

D. Almand
The Shortform


John Cahil on pexels

Research says kids lose up to 30% of their knowledge during the summer and review from the prior year happens the first two months back at school

Here are 3 fun activities to keep your kids from spiraling into the same mush brain without even realizing it!

  1. Reading Challenges…
    In 3rd grade my child challenged her teacher to a race to see who could finish the Harry Potter books first… you can enjoy such challenges with your older and younger child to spark interest as well as great conversation
  2. Math Challenges…
    Just like reading but for math! Get some packets/ grade appropriate math books and do weekly and daily challenges to keep them number sense sharp!
  3. Family Game Nights…
    If you’ve yet to do a family game night you are missing out! Pull out those games after dinner and sit around enjoying the evening in shared laughter and fun



D. Almand
The Shortform

I am a parent with degrees in child develop & education. I am passionate about kids and mainly write about parenting & education. See you on my page!