30 Days of Self-Motivation

Day 2- If your pet fish gets sick, try to change the water

inPerfect Princess 👑
The Shortform
1 min readFeb 21, 2023


Photo by Claudio Guglieri on Unsplash

I had found myself in this dilemma various times. Getting stuck.
In a situation or inside a feeling.

In a situation: it may sound familiar to you that you might find yourself hurting loved ones over and over because of the same, wrong behavior and that behavior somehow seems to periodically “get the best of you”.

Inside a feeling: you may as well have experienced this:
you try to force the course of your destiny.
I am not saying you cannot master your destiny or decide on what to do, but you might have perceived the “gut feeling” of “this is not for the best, but I want to pursue it anyway.”

A German proverb says: “if your pet fish gets sick, try to change the water”.
You will not have a different result if you repeat the same actions.
If you find yourself stuck, try “to change the water”.



inPerfect Princess 👑
The Shortform

A nerdy and charming polyglot with years of experience in developing cosmetic recipes and a passion for human psychology, pharmacology and cosmetic chemistry