5 Harmful Lies You Tell Yourself That Actually Undermining Your Success in Life

Nita Pears
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJan 6, 2023
Photo by Elisa Photography on Unsplash

1 — I’ll do it later

But you never do it, do you? Procrastination is a killer. Run from it.

2 — I don’t have time to…

…exercise, read, write — whatever! We use this excuse way too much when we don’t want to make an effort!

If what you want to do matters, you make time for it.

3 — I cannot change

Here is another overused excuse to avoid the effort of making changes. Want a shift in your life? Take action!

4 — I’m not good enough

This one is self-defeating — how you feel is not who you are. But it’s still an excuse for not facing your insecurities.

5 — I have to do everything myself

No, you don’t, you unforgiving perfectionist! Your connections will gladly help you if they know what you need.

Any to add?



Nita Pears
The Shortform

Learner, reader, aspiring writer. Inspired by human nature and everything biology.