Writers are Wonderfully Wired and Incredibly Weird

5 Reasons Life is Better With a Writer

Would your loved ones agree?

Kimberlee Jakobe
The Shortform
Published in
Jun 5, 2022


CanvaPro by Kimberlee


  • Know weird facts.
  • Are super-low maintenance because all they do is eat and write.
  • Are the best at late-night chats because they never sleep.


  • When writers have to edit, they procrastinate by cleaning your house!
  • Writers have the best search history.

I feel like I’ve stepped back from an alternate reality after spending hours writing a long-form article. I haven’t moved since the last time I grabbed another Mountain Dew Red and a potty break.

“WOW!” I say to my wife as I blink and rub my eyes. “What a long Sunday!” I knew I had become completely distracted by work and lost track of time.

“Nope, it’s Tuesday.”

Ouch! That’s my cue, time to edit! “Want me to clean the microwave?”

