5 Things to Do When Things Are Changing

…instead of resisting the situation

Nela Canovic
The Shortform


Photo by Mimipic Photography on Unsplash

Notice the resistance.

Is it fear or something else? Say: OK, I am scared. I will admit it and write it down.

Acknowledge your negative mindset.

Your mindset is how you think about situations, people, life, and mostly yourself. Ask: When I feel something is impossible, is it out of habit or the way I was raised?

Consider the benefits of change.

There must be something positive from this new situation— more time, better focus, fewer obstacles. Ask: What is one beneficial outcome of this?

Be prepared for obstacles.

Obstacles happen — complaining and getting emotional won’t change them. Ask: What are 3 things I can do when it appears?

Do one small thing today.

Leaving your comfort zone seems scary; that’s completely natural. Ask: What is one step I can take to adapt— adjust my schedule or budget, create a plan of action?



Nela Canovic
The Shortform

Growth mindset hacker, writer, Silicon Valley entrepreneur.