500 million dollars for two Pizzas?

The most expensive dinner in history.

Yannik Pieper
The Shortform


It was May 2010. A bitcointalk.org user named Laszlo Hanyecz was looking for someone willing to take his bitcoin in exchange for two Pizza’s delivered to his home.

His offer? 10.000 BTC, or about 41$ at the time.

Yep, you read that right. A whopping 10.000 bitcoin, or about half a billion dollars at today’s price. All for these two Pizzas delivered to his home:

The Bitcoin Pizzas

I mean, they do look delicious, not gonna lie.

Laszlo says he has no regrets. Back in those days, few thought Bitcoin could actually achieve what it did. And even if he didn’t spend those coins for Pizza, he most likely would’ve used them for something else.

If you want to see what they are worth at current prices, you can check the Bitcoin Pizza index.



Yannik Pieper
The Shortform

24 / Berlin, Germany. I’m writing about ₿itcoin and what it means to be a sovereign individual in the 21st century.