7000 Impressions On NewsBreak In Less Than 24 Hours

I’ve started publishing on NewsBreak and it’s interesting

The Shortform


Background photo created by benzoix — www.freepik.com

You’ve heard about NewsBreak. Everybody on Medium has. Yesterday, I finally tried the site after signing up as a creator. Less than 24 hours later, I’m pleasantly surprised.

Am I rich yet? Nope. Haven’t made a single cent.

What is intriguing is that I’ve gotten around 7000 impressions in a few hours. For one of my repurposed Medium posts that never did well on Medium anyway.

This tells me two things about NewsBreak’s present stage:

  1. They have a good distribution system in place, even for complete newbies
  2. NewsBreak likes different stories than Medium

Now, let’s not get carried away. I won’t be earning money on Newsbreak anytime soon. I’ll have to gain 100 registered followers (and publish 10 stories) to get there.

But it’s a nice start.



The Shortform

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