A Constellation of Breath

Vast and unknowable

Ani Eldritch
The Shortform
1 min read2 days ago


Camila Damásio took this photo of a woman’s  boots as she sat on a stoop.
Photo by Camila Damásio on Unsplash

I sat on the stoop, the city’s pulse humming under my feet. It was the kind of night that made you hyper-aware of your breathing, each inhale and exhale an intimate conversation with the universe.

A saxophonist played somewhere in the distance, notes floating through the air like fragments of stardust. I couldn’t help but wonder if he, too, felt the weight of every breath, the importance of being alive in this exact moment.

As the notes faded, the city seemed to exhale a collective sigh of existence with me. I looked up at the sky, where the stars blinked knowingly. It felt like the world was breathing with me in that instant, a shared rhythm, a silent understanding.

The city, for all its chaos, had moments of perfect clarity. And in those moments, you realized you’re part of something vastand unknowable, a constellation of breath.



Ani Eldritch
The Shortform

I am a writer/poet and Gen Z New Yorker. My publication is The Dapper Owl. Jazz inspires me. Earl Grey tea and Thai food keep me going. Welcome.