A Giant Asteroid is Flying Towards Earth at Full Speed

‘Don’t Look Up’ is becoming reality

Garlli Tat, MSc.
The Shortform
Jan 12, 2022


Photo by Joe on pexels

Well, kind of. An asteroid of the size of 3,500ft wide is coming towards earth at full speed. That’s more than twice the size of the Empire State Building in New York!

But don’t worry, it’s not going to hit us. The giant asteroid will not collide with earth. It will closely pass by earth on January 18, 2022. You cannot even see it with the naked eye. You’d need a telescope.

So much for clickbait. If an asteroid was really about to hit the earth, I’d be livid that it’s not making international news. I lost my faith in the government ever since watching Adam McKay’s ‘Don’t Look Up’. Great movie, by the way, I highly recommend.



Garlli Tat, MSc.
The Shortform

Third culture writer. Sharing stories about life, travel, and psychology.