A Lesson Taught by a Spider

Fear and excitement are twins.

Yiqing Zhao
The Shortform


A gigantic spider found in author’s backyard

My partner was walking my foster dog one night and ran into a huge spider. I joined him moments later.

“I almost had a heart attack.” He showed it to me.

“This is SO COOL!” I said, turning on the flashlight.

“ That’s easy for you to say. If it were you, wouldn’t you freak out?”

“ I probably would, but that couldn’t stop me from getting excited.”

When encountering fear or excitement, the chemical release in our bodies is the same.

The difference lies in how we react.

When you can simply OBSERVE your thoughts and emotions like I was observing that spider, you will be able to CHOOSE how you would like to think and feel.

Choose excitement over fear. And use it as fuel in whatever venture you embark on.

Let’s hang out.

