A List of Things I Say to My Children Everyday

#5 Please put some pants on.

The Shortform


Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

It’s too early; go back to sleep.

It’s bedtime.

Don’t play with that; it’s not a toy.

Don’t eat that; it’s not food.

Please put some pants on.

Please put your toys away.

Ouch! Who left that there?!

Because I said so.


How did that get there?

Don’t draw on the floor.

Don’t drive your toys on the walls.

Only if you eat your dinner first.


Charlie, don’t hit your brother.

Charlie, don’t take your brother’s toys.

Charlie, stop annoying your brother.

I don’t care who started it.

What did we learn?

What do we say?

Sorry, I shouted.

Please stop shouting!

What made you happy today?

Aww, thank you… what is it?

That’s an excellent drawing.

You must be tickled!

Great job! That deserves a sticker.

It’s ok to be sad.

Daddy gets sad sometimes.

Would you like some help?

I love you.



The Shortform

Aviator. Author. Awesome Father. Expert at stalling. I help people navigate their fears and take command of life.