A Simple Accounting Trick For Lasting Relationships

How a balance sheet can strengthen your bond

Jesse Wilson
The Shortform


golden weighing scales
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Who is right and who is wrong is a position that we may find ourselves forced to take; it always comes with a price.

When the suffering and harm of another human are involved, the position is clear and always worth fighting for.

But in a relationship, for one person to be right, the other must be wrong — there is little room for shades of grey — so imbalances persist.

Some imbalances, such as abuse and infidelity, justify ending a relationship, however deep the emotional bond.

Unless participants are willing to compromise and let go, imbalances can become the hallmark of the relationship — to the point that the price of being right becomes too expensive to maintain.

Relationships that fail often have unhealthy balance sheets—any good accountant will tell you that one of the tricks to maintaining a business is to remember to balance the books.



Jesse Wilson
The Shortform

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.