A Simple Tip for Better Breathing

Jen Wilking
The Shortform
Published in
Apr 20, 2022


Drawing of a nose with an arrow to lungs and an arrow to a peaceful emoji
Created in Canva

Nose breathing filters, warms, and humidifies the air.

It slows the breathing rate and delivers nitric oxide produced in the sinus cavities to the lungs. This improves oxygen uptake and circulation, boosts immune function, and calms the nervous system.

Mouth breathing increases the likelihood of snoring and sleep apnea, and it can lead to dryness, bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Choose nose breathing whenever possible.

How does it feel?

Breathe slowly through your nose.

Visualize the nitric oxide being picked up and delivered to your lungs, improving blood flow and protecting you from infection and inflammation.

Let your shoulders relax away from your ears.

Notice how the breath feels as it travels the path from nose to lungs and back.


Allen, R. (2015). The health benefits of nose breathing. Nursing in general practice, 40–42.



Jen Wilking
The Shortform

Yoga & meditation teacher, physical therapist | Feel at home in your body, calm in your mind, & inspired to make an impact | https://jenwilking.com/