A Ton Of Bricks…

Karen Kenny
The Shortform
Published in
May 29, 2023
image: DALL-E

She always knew she’d marry a very rich man, but hadn’t thought he would be such an old relic of one. So be it. During their wedding dance, she saw the stares, heard the whispers and the laughs, but didn’t care what anyone thought. This marriage would change everything in her life for the better.

After the wedding party, they went up to their hotel suite. He did not perform well in bed and was angry with her. Confused, she laid beside him in silence, touching her bruised face. Watching him sleep, she looked at his aged body, and felt his possessive hand lying heavily across her belly.

And then it hit her like a ton of bricks, everything in her life was about to change, but not at all for the better.

written by Karen Kenny



Karen Kenny
The Shortform

From New York, residing in Paris. Using minimum amount of words to tell a story or poem.