#10/10 — SF

About Bridie Dillon

A snapshot of my story

Bridie Dillon
The Shortform
Published in
Dec 13, 2021


My Family. Photo by Author.

I’m an Australian and have two daughters and a partner. I work in childcare and study science. Other than writing, I love to learn and read.

I typically write about experiences, motherhood, and overcoming mental health barriers. I frequently contribute on the Short form and write about mental health & Self-improvement.

I chose these topics after mass trial and error. Originally I wanted to write on studying/productivity but was pulled towards parenting and mental health.

My exploration of Medium began reading about time management and quotes. Slowly morphed into a space where I evolved from “failures” through writing.

Realizing I wasn’t alone. Others out there need more realistic self-improvement advice. Because not everyone can get out of bed some days, let alone start 6 side hustles,
I get that entirely.



Bridie Dillon
The Shortform

Mum to two 👩‍👧‍👧All I really do is read