Adulting 101: Realizing You’re Not Special

The Shortform
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2023
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Remember when you felt like the world revolved around you? I do.

At ten, with a limited grasp of the world, I believed I was the main character, destined to conquer anything in my way.

But then, life handed me reality checks, one by one.

Instances of being teased for my colour, weight, features, and grades slowly chipped away at that childhood confidence.

With each taunt, my self-assurance crumbled, and I found myself doubting my worth.

As time passed, I had a harsh realization: maybe I wasn’t as special as I believed.

With more experiences, I realized we’re all on a perpetual quest, searching for our place in this vast world.

It was never about being special; it was about discovering where we truly belong.

So, I wonder, does the journey of finding our place ever truly end? Or is it the very essence that defines who we become?

