An Ode to Job Hunting

Humbled and honoured to have just been rejected for a role as a dancing chicken

The Idea Zone
The Shortform
1 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Francisco Moreno on Unsplash

‘Your application has been reviewed, and, unfortunately..’

The death rattle of your motivation ensues. This was application #691 and it’s only mid-February.

You return to waiting tables — filling up Mr. Hedge Fund Manager’s fifth mojito of the afternoon as he clicks his sausage-like fingers at you.

You tell him to stop. Minutes later, the supervisor fires you.

And you’re back on the streets, scrounging for work, having some 21-year-old snot-nosed LinkedIn ‘influencer’ tell you that you need to ’have a positive mindset’ and how he ‘just bought his first house at 18’ as his dad owns the F500 company he works for.

Shut the f*ck up, kid.

Weeks pass. Bills mount up. You finally get an email starting with ‘Congratulations!’

A Nigerian prince has selected you for a cash prize. All you need to do is reply with your bank details.



The Idea Zone
The Shortform

My name is Cameron and I try to write articles that aren’t terrible and advice that won’t get me sued.