Apparently, I Don’t “Dress” Like a “Writer”

No thrift shop for me.

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


Image by freepik

At my toddler’s friend’s birthday party, someone asked me what I did for a living.

I told her I was a product manager by day and a writer by night.

“That’s why you don’t look like a writer,” she said, “you’re a manager, that’s why you know how to dress well.”

“Why don’t I look like a writer?” I asked her.

“Too fancy”

Someone called for all the children to cut the birthday cake, so off she went again.

She left me with a question mark on my face.

In the evening, I looked at myself in the mirror.

“How do I look? Do I look like a ‘writer’? What does a “writer” look like?

So, I did some googling and apparently writers look like they often browse in a second-hand store.

They wear the same shorts and pants.
So, tell me:

How do “writers” dress?



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

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