Are you ready to slow down?

This might be something you need to hear today.

Devina Halim
The Shortform
Mar 22, 2022


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Good things take time, as they say.

But, are we ready to slow down? I wasn't until someone told me so.

As a new food-related content creator, I've been learning a lot of new things and felt overwhelmed 95% of the time. Going on social media makes it worse. It feels like I was left behind while everyone has succeeded.

That's when I decided to reach out to a professional food photographer. This person told me to take my time to figure things out.

I need to hear that and maybe you too. Let's take things one step at a time.

Hi, I’m Devina!

I've just started my journey on Medium. I blog here about food. You could also buy me a Ko-fi. Nice to meet you :)



Devina Halim
The Shortform

A journalist and a freelance writer. Talking about writing tips, self-development, and productivity on Medium. Work with me: