Artificial General Intelligence Is Nothing But

Tools that will democratize creation.

Yogesh Malik
The Shortform
May 22, 2024


Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Is Nothing But …

  • a reflection of our desire to create, only to realize we’re chasing our own tails in the quest for originality.
  • a testament to humanity’s relentless pursuit of knowledge and mastery over nature.
  • the latest players in the eternal game of cat and mouse between innovation and identity.
  • a sign that we’re all just a software update away from becoming obsolete.
  • a proof that even computers can pretend to be Shakespeare with enough training.
  • our collective attempt to outsource creativity, only to find ourselves more involved in the process.
  • your friendly neighborhood reminder that you’re not as unique as you thought.
  • a sophisticated echo chamber amplifying our collective creativity and anxiety.



Yogesh Malik
The Shortform

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence