Ask Yourself Only One Question. Why?

The more often you ask yourself this question, the simpler things become around you

Leonid Hass
The Shortform


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The modern history of this powerful question dates back to the previous century, originating from the renowned company Toyota. Sakichi Toyoda revolutionized problem-solving by harnessing the power of this single question.


People could become more productive and solve their questions more quickly. They could find and solve the most significant problems With only one question.

Most questions are simple enough. Behind one big question, there are four questions and one answer. That answer is the answer to your question!

Asking ‘why’ once may not reveal the whole truth. But you will uncover more profound insights if you ask the question five times. It’s like opening Pandora’s box, telling the truth, and answering your questions.

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Leonid Hass
The Shortform

Writer. Long and Short Stories. Read a lot. Write a lot. Learn Business. Investigate Your Problems. Dream About Creating a Solution and Providing a Value!