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Automotive Disruption in 150 words

Stefan Müller
The Shortform
Published in
Nov 19, 2021


Meanwhile, everyone knows, that there will be a huge change for carmakers, automotive suppliers, car dealers — and even for us, as clients. There are three major disruptions ongoing in parallel, some of them well-known, others not yet.

The first is changing drive technologies: battery electric vehicles will take over. They probably are more sustainable, are easier to build, and cheaper in use and service.

The second disruption is about software becoming the dominant part of a vehicle. This enables digital services like over-the-air updates and in the end, will lead to autonomous driving. Being a software-driven company completely changes the way how the industry worked so far.

Finally, mobility will change as well. Car or ride-sharing that today has established in bigger cities already will grow. Latest with self-driving vehicles sharing will become usual.

Read more here.



Stefan Müller
The Shortform

Consultant, Business Architect and author — Writing about Automotive, Mobility, Innovation, Change, Digital and how to balance between job and family.