Blah! — Just Stop It!

Time is a zero-sum game.

Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform


Photo 224847493 | Blah © Roman Samborskyi |

Consumers have preferences.

Social media platforms give consumers what they prefer and want.

TikTok with its short videos, YouTube shorts, Mastodon with microblogging, Medium with short form…

…all of them offer a lot of value because a lot of long form could’ve been short, but the author fluffed it.

A lot of blah-blah with no function. Pure filler.

But time is a zero-sum game.

You don’t just *spend* hours of your life, you *lose* them.

A 150-word limit is a great way to practice getting to the point quicker! So I love to write short form stories on Medium.

As Alexandra Kolkunova shared:

“Brevity is the Sister of Talent”

Especially the beginning of a story is crucial

It’s the part that draws readers in.

It’s a welcome mat.

However, it’s often better to “kill the welcome mat, and dive into the story”.

Here’s why:



Kristina God, MBA
The Shortform

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