Blurred Photo Aids Illegal Border Crossing

Madeleine McDonald
The Shortform
Published in
Nov 18, 2021


Image by iXmus from Pixabay

Not for the first time, the UK government has devised a ridiculously complicated scheme in response to the Covid pandemic. UK citizens returning from abroad have to fill in a passenger locator form online no earlier than 48 hours before arrival, then download confirmation to their smartphone, or else print out the QR code. What about the 10% or so of the population who do not own a smartphone? Not our problem, says the government website, accompanied by a reminder that it is a criminal offence not to comply.

I took a chance and photographed the QR code on my ancient mobile. The photo lacked definition but officials waved me through on leaving Paris. For all officialdom knew, my tiny, blurred QR image could have been a grocery receipt.

By fair means or foul, this UK citizen made it back.



Madeleine McDonald
The Shortform

Writer with a magpie mind. Former UN translator and precis-writer.