Buy Frozen Produce Instead of Fresh Ones

Mateo Keane
The Shortform
Published in
Aug 14, 2023


A section in the grocery where frozen fruits and vegetables are stored.
Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash

When it comes to groceries, fresh is always good, right?

Well, not really.

Humans have developed some sort of bias to buy fresh fruits and vegetables in the market because they think it’s “healthier” and “more nutritious.”

But did you know that there had been a lot of studies claiming that frozen produce has a nutritional status similar to that of fresh ones at harvest?

Frozen produce is typically frozen at its peak ripeness which locks the nutrients in, whereas fresh produce loses nutrients once they’re transported and stored.

This means that frozen spinach stored for 14 days is a lot more nutritious than the “fresh” spinach you stored in your house for 7 days.

Perhaps we have been making negative associations with anything other than what we consider “natural.”

That may be true for some, but spare this one.



Mateo Keane
The Shortform

Hi. I’m a Filipino writer, Nutrition student, & aspiring doctor. I’m passionate in helping people help themselves. I write all stuff in service of that passion.