Channel Your Inner Roadrunner

A method for tackling obstacles in work and in life

Royah Loie
The Shortform


Photo by Christina Brinza on Unsplash

Chances are when you were a kid, you may have watched Looney Tunes or at least seen the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote on TV.

Every time I’d watch them I’d flip to another channel because it was always the same old story: Coyote desperately trying to put major obstacles in Road Runner’s path, and Road Runner always stopping for a second, uttering the iconic: “Beep! Beep!” then zooming away.

Years later, I began reflecting on the cartoon, often when faced with obstacles. I realized that the duo were metaphorically depicting human qualities that exemplified two completely different approaches to life. Wile E. Coyote being the hungry, angry protagonist that won’t give up trying to squash the Road Runner and the Road Runner being the resilient overcomer of obstacles.

So anytime you’re facing obstacles in life or work, make sure to channel your inner roadrunner and keep going.



Royah Loie
The Shortform

Creator of The Creative Burst & Insider Mom. Get the short weekly emails at: Check out too