Charo: My Lady of Cuchi-cuchi

A Taliswoman Short

Leah Welborn
The Shortform


Original artwork by the author

In the 70s when I was a very little girl, we’d gather around the flickering blue console TV as if it were a hearth. Charo was ubiquitous on popular variety shows & game shows then.

Like Dolly and Cher, Charo enchanted me with her over-the-top femininity and sequins. But her thick Spanish accent made her seem impossibly exotic to me.

I remember being spellbound as she, a brilliant Flamenco guitarist, would twist about and exclaim “cuchi-cuchi!” as the light glinted off her shining skin.

I was three, and her talent was far less important to me than her glamour.

The cover of Charo’s 1977 album, Cuchi-Cuchi



Leah Welborn
The Shortform

Empower Your Magical Self with me. I'm the Mystic Autistic, a writer and spiritual baddie.