Colors of the Soul

The Price of Monochrome Dreams

Christopher Massimine
The Shortform


In the heart of a bustling metropolis, Lila, a young artist, found solace painting murals on the city’s forgotten walls. Her vibrant creations breathed life into the urban landscape.

One evening, while working on her latest masterpiece, she noticed a peculiar man observing her intently. He introduced himself as a celebrated gallery owner, and proposed a deal: he’d make her famous, but in return, she could only paint in gray.

Enticed by the promise of success, Lila agreed. Overnight, her monochromatic art gained acclaim, but the city’s colors began to fade. Realizing her mistake, Lila sought to restore the lost hues.

She returned to her old walls, painting with every color she could find, pouring her soul into each stroke. As she worked, the city gradually regained its vibrancy.

In the end, Lila chose to remain an anonymous artist, embracing the power of her colors to heal and inspire, rather than obtaining fame.



Christopher Massimine
The Shortform

Christopher Massimine is an entrepreneur, mental health advocate, biz devo expert, contributor for “Entrepreneur,” & EP of the animated feature “The Inventor.”