Comparison is NOT the Thief of Joy — Poem

Chris McDonough☘️
The Shortform
1 min readFeb 14, 2024


Othello’s Jealousy; Art by John Emery (1802–1893) from ArtUK

Jealousy, the joy’s jailer, jettisons juggernaut influencing inadequacy.

Comparison, a curious companion, calmly coexists,

Conversing candidly, contemplating contrasts and twists.

Contrary to common belief, it’s not the culprit we seek,

Companionable and constructive, not cruel or bleak.

The just culprit: Jealousy

Jealousy’s grip grows, gnawing at gratitude’s grace,

Grievances gather, grinding gears in grimace.

It shadows satisfaction, stifling smiles,

Stealing serenity in subtle styles.

Journeying through jealousy’s jagged journey,

Jettisoning hope, hearts heavy and yearning.

Its presence persistently pervades,

Planting seeds of discord in pleasant parades.

Comparisons can be catalysts, kindling curiosity’s flame,

Cultivating growth, gently guiding the game.

It’s not the thief of joy, as some may proclaim,

But a tool for understanding, without shame.

Comparison, a companion on life’s winding road,

Not a thief of joy, but a guide to behold.

For in the end, it’s jealousy that’s the jailer,

While joy, resilient, rises from its trailer.



Chris McDonough☘️
The Shortform

Bachelors in Neuroscience from UF. Writing about the implications of Research along with my gaming, book, movie, and spiritual interests.