COVID Is No Joke!

And I’m speaking from experience

Dominic DiFrancesco
The Shortform


Photo by Amol Tyagi on Unsplash

The past two weeks have been a blur, and I mean that literally.

COVID-19 is no joke. Everyone in our household got it and being cooped up with 5 other people for that length of time is not fun.

Fortunately everyone is fully vaccinated and two of us also had the booster. Those with the booster remained asymptomatic while the rest of us got sick.

I can only imagine what kind of hell this virus could play on the unvaccinated.

My brain-fog has finally cleared — I couldn’t concentrate even a little last week and the constant fatigue is subsiding. Finally I’m starting to feel more like myself.

If you’ve avoided COVID, wonderful, but please don’t get complacent and if you haven’t been vaccinated, please do so. It’s the only way to put an end to this nonsense.



Dominic DiFrancesco
The Shortform

I’m a life-long writer & tech nerd. I love blogging, writing poetry, and short stories. My website