Crushing Goals or Getting Crushed?

Be realistic when choosing goals.

Donnie Van Meer
The Shortform
Dec 23, 2023


Photo by Michael Anfang on Unsplash

Does your imagination run wild like mine?

Does it lead you to set grandiose goals?

It’s easy to begin pursuing something too ambitious. Yet, it pays to be realistic.

You want to go after something above your skill level. You want to stretch, but not so much you snap.

If your goal is too easy, you will feel bored.

If it is too ambitious, you will feel overwhelmed and crushed by failure.

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Keep your fantasies in check. The thought of your goals should leave you feeling exhilarated and motivated, never anxious.

Make your new project more challenging than the last one, but modestly so.

Instead of epic goals that take years to realize, begin with a reasonable monthly goal. Your success will create momentum. Your confidence will rise, leading to more success.

Photo by Ev on Unsplash

