Day 19 of the 30-Day Writing Challenge

Write about the sounds you hear right now

Nancy Blackman
The Shortform


Created in Canva by Nancy Blackman

Too simple? Stop for a minute, close your eyes and let your ears take over.

What do you hear? Listen closely.

The monotone voice of a man on a webinar streams through my headphones because I’m trying to drown out the construction noises of drilling and tapping. And, yes, I’m multitasking.

The drilling is the loudest — at one point, it was so loud that it shook the hand railing. And then there is some tapping as they lay down the wood flooring.

What I can’t hear is the lovely birds outside.

Next to me is my dog, tail end jammed next to my hip. She’s sound asleep. At moments, she makes yelping noises as she dreams. I only hope she is dreaming of good things.

What about you?

Now, get to it!
Happy writing!



Nancy Blackman
The Shortform

8X Top Writer. Editor. Writing Coach. Owner of Refresh the Soul publication. Read more of my writing: “Mixed Korean: Our Stories.”