Day 9 of the 30-Day Writing Challenge

What do you appreciate most about your life right now?

Nancy Blackman
The Shortform


Created in Canva by Nancy Blackman

Do you have a great job, wonderful marriage, beautiful kids, or a deep spiritual life?

Maybe you’re back to traveling, and that soothes some inner spirit of yours.

Or maybe you live life minimally. Are you a tiny house dweller?

Maybe you need to look a little deeper. Maybe that something that you appreciate about your life is small, but not small to you. Maybe it’s something that is specific to helping you be a better person. Name that thing.

I have taken time to slow down and notice the small details in my life — to be present in moments. It’s one of the things I love about photography — capturing a moment in history that will never be captured again.

What is it for you?

Now, get to it!
Happy writing!



Nancy Blackman
The Shortform

8X Top Writer. Editor. Writing Coach. Owner of Refresh the Soul publication. Read more of my writing: “Mixed Korean: Our Stories.”