Day Six of the 10-Day Shortform Challenge

Do or do not

Tom F.
The Shortform


Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

It’s a story we all love to tell: the day we knew we did the right thing. And, in our own way, we’re all telling it. Whether it was feeding a stray cat and feeling good about ourselves, or simply holding the door open for someone and witnessing their smile, these moments happen daily.

In this challenge, I want you to tell us about a day you knew you did the right thing. Maybe it wasn’t something you did, but something you explicitly did not. Sometimes, saying No can also be liberating and the right thing to do for your well-being.



Tom F.
The Shortform

Engineer | SEO Writer | Dad of a GenAlpha Kiddo | Talking about Digital Parenting, Millennial Finance and the Power of Writing.